” Nepal-Pakistan Buddhist: Relation s” Book Launched

१६ बैशाख २०८०, शनिबार १०:३५

Katbmundu 29 April.Today, the Embassy of Pakistan in collaboration with Hiranya International Friendship Library organized the launching ceremony of a book on Pakistan’s Buddist heritage titled “Nepal-Pakistan Buddhist Relations” authored by former Ambassador Mr. Hiranya Lal Shrestha at smriti of renowned Pakistani Buddhist monk/ scholar Pandit Vasubandhu at Swayambhunath, Kathmandu.

Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal, former Prime Minister, graced the event as Chief Guest while H.E. Abrar H Hashmi, Ambassador – designate of Pakistan to Nepal was the Special Guest besides renowned Buddhist monks & nuns, educationists, intellectuals, civil society members and journalists.